
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today you are going to pretend that you are a graphic artist is my nationally known advertising agency, Hewett's Advertising. I have assigned you with the task of creating a movie poster for an upcoming film.  You will have access to all the tools we have discussed and used so far.  I, as your boss, expect a very creative and eye catching poster - one that will be as interesting and exciting as the movie itself.  So good luck to all my employees on this assignment.  Remember, your job may depend on the success of your poster.  Click on the link below for all the details and rules that you must adhere to.

Movie Poster Assignment

Mr. Hewett

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ever wanted to get even with a teacher?  Well now's your chance.  I really hope that you've never felt this way about me but in today's lesson you are going to get an opportunity to make fun of me, or at least my picutre.  You're going to take a photograph of me which is below and do anything with it that you want and I mean anything.  Cut it out and put me into a different setting or background.  Turn me into a ridiculous or scary character.  Click on the link below in order to see a couple of examples.  Please have fun with this project.

Mr. Hewett

Click here for today's lesson

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ever hear of a six word story?  Well today you're not only going to read one, you're going to write one.  Click on the link below to go to today's lesson.

Six Word Stories

Friday, September 17, 2010


Now that you know how to use the Lasso Tool and the Blur Tool, here is a wonderful lesson for you to prove to me exactly how well you can use them together.  You're going to cut out a little girl from one photograph and paste her into another one with, of all things, a lion.  And when you finish you should not be able to tell that two photos were put together.  Sound interesting?  Well click on the link below and see what it's all about.

Blended Images Lesson

Aaron click on the link below for your lesson.

Written Sunset

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today you're going to work on another logo for a fake company, that is, if you finished the one from yesterday.  Today you'll also use a new tool, the lasso tool and you'll learn how to cut things out from a photo.  Click on the link below for today's lesson.

Lasso Tool Lesson

Mr. Hewett

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


You all should be familiar with what logos are since we are bombarded with them everyday of our lives.  A logo is a symbol that we recognize a particular brand of merchandise by.  A perfect example is the Nike swoosh.  Well today you're going to be asked to design a logo for a company of your choice.  Click on the link below to find today's lesson.  In it are several fake companies.  You are to choose one and design a logo for it.  I have an example at the bottom of the page.  Good luck and be creative.  Save this as Logo and as a jpeg.

Logo Lesson

Mr. Hewett

Friday, September 10, 2010


Now that you all have your own personal blogs online, it is time to start using them.  Today we're going to upload some of your digital creations.  I hope you all remember your addresses, logins and passwords.  If not, I have them all.  I hope that you'll soon memorize your own so that you can share it with your family and friends.  I want everyone to be able to view what you're doing in Arts and Technology.  But, NEVER, give out any personal information, phone numbers, email addresses or last names.

Click on the following link in order to go to today's lesson - uploading pictures and posts to your blog.

Uploading Posts and Photos to Your Blog

Good luck.
Mr. Hewett

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today you will start a possible three day project.  You will learn about then create pictures pertaining to the seven Elements of Art.  Click on the link below to see what they are:

Once you have read over this site thoroughly, then click on the link below for your assignment.  Remember, this lesson will take more than one day so don't rush!

Mr. Hewett

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Sorry I'm not there with you guys today but the doctor told me not to go to school today.  Hope to be back tomorrow.  So for today while I'm out sick I have two assignments for you to do. 1) You are going to create a haunted house and 2) you are going to create a monster of some sort that lives in it.

Go to the following URL and copy the picture of this house:   You will do like we did yesterday in class.  Right click on it and then copy.  Open up a new sheet in PhotoImpact and right click paste.  You may have to crop it or enlarge it like we did.  Don't forget to Merge All before you start to turn it into a haunted house.

Then click on the following link to go to the picture above:  Once you do I want you to turn this man into the monster that lives in your haunted house.  Remember you can use any of the tools we have used thus far such as 2D and 3D Path Drawing Tools, Outline Path Drawing Tools, and all the Paint Tools we used yesterday.  Don't forget the hidden treasures in the Easy Palette such as fire, lightning, etc.  Save these as "Haunted House" and "Monster" on your flashdrives as jpegs.  Can't wait to see what you have created.

Mr. Hewett

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today you are looking for hidden treasure.  Hidden treasure in PhotoImpact that is.  Click on the link below to find out what I'm talking about.

Mr. Hewett

Click here for lesson three