
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Sorry I'm not there with you guys today but the doctor told me not to go to school today.  Hope to be back tomorrow.  So for today while I'm out sick I have two assignments for you to do. 1) You are going to create a haunted house and 2) you are going to create a monster of some sort that lives in it.

Go to the following URL and copy the picture of this house:   You will do like we did yesterday in class.  Right click on it and then copy.  Open up a new sheet in PhotoImpact and right click paste.  You may have to crop it or enlarge it like we did.  Don't forget to Merge All before you start to turn it into a haunted house.

Then click on the following link to go to the picture above:  Once you do I want you to turn this man into the monster that lives in your haunted house.  Remember you can use any of the tools we have used thus far such as 2D and 3D Path Drawing Tools, Outline Path Drawing Tools, and all the Paint Tools we used yesterday.  Don't forget the hidden treasures in the Easy Palette such as fire, lightning, etc.  Save these as "Haunted House" and "Monster" on your flashdrives as jpegs.  Can't wait to see what you have created.

Mr. Hewett

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